Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Feriswel (Unfinished)

Standing here in a familiar place, staring at an old happy memory of you and me…

As I look up at the old Ferris wheel,
I can’t help but feel-
Restless, unhappy, jaded,
While I stand here thinking about our memories which seemed to have faded.

I could still remember that time
Back to days when you were still mine.
How you made me feel butterflies in my stomach
As you gave me those cute little kisses as the Ferris wheel goes up.

This is an unfinished poem that I made last 2009. I was feeling terribly down at that time because of a hurtful event that happened, thus the making of this. I'm no poet, but whatever it is that made me write this thing, I knew its love, and pain. I am hoping to finish this sometime soon, when I find myself back again.


If you are wondering about the title, its ferris wheel in english. I just used and spelled it that way because of the significance of that word, by which the whole story revolves around.


  1. Keep at it! The poem will unfold.


    Ciao Ciao Bella Donna

    Check out my Give Away @
    Sharing Lots of Love n Fun!

  2. Keep at it! The poem will unfold.


    Ciao Ciao Bella Donna

    Check out my Give Away @
    Sharing Lots of Love n Fun!
