Thursday, August 4, 2011

Old McDonald Had a Cow {NOTD}

Been MIA for a few days, but now I'm back with a very short post. Just a quick NOTD to show you guys what I've been doing since last last night, hehe.

Okay so my mother asked me to download some nursery rhymes on my little sister's MP3 player so that she could listen to them and sing along. I came across the good ole song Old McDonald had a Farm and thought, hey I've been doing animal inspired nail art like the Zebra Inspired Nail Art (which was supposed to be white but I ended up using something blue, weird huh?) and the Leopard Print (which I think I failed, again) so why not do another one? This time, since I was so hung up on this nursery rhyme, I decided to do a Cow Inspired Nail Art, haha. Lemme show you, but please be aware that I'm no pro so it might be not that perfect or pretty :)

First I used a white nail polish for the base. I applied two coats of white nail polish for a better finish.

 One coat.

Two coats.

And then after a few minutes of this and that, here's the result =)

Its still a little bit messy as I'm not yet done cleaning, but overall I love the outcome :)


  1. soo cute! i love reading your reviews and nail art posts. they're very entertaining.

  2. hehe ...cute
    i have a giveaway on my blog, if you would like to enter:
