Monday, November 28, 2011

3D Nail Stickers + NOTD.. on my Feet :P

As you have seen from my previous haul, I bought a pack of 3D nail stickers. The designs are floral themed, and I personally choose it because it has the most number of designs that are matching. I am supposed to put it on my finger nails, but since I also bought another nail polish which I so much wanted to try ASAP, I decided to just use the stickers on my toe nails. Its a good idea for me because it has been a while since I last decorated my toe nails. Stickers are one of the easiest ways to spice up your plain and boring nails. Its so easy to do and can be done in minutes.

And now on to the stickers that I bought. I got them for a very cheap price, although I reckon they could have cost much cheaper if I bought in bulk. But nah, I just want to test out these stickers first before buying the whole thing.

I would like to apologize because I forgot to take a photo of the sticker before using. The only ones I have were after using them, thus you can only see a few stickers left. But the designs are all there because I made sure that I get two or more stickers of the same design :)

These stickers are obviously of the cheapest kinds, almost like the ones you stick on to notebooks and papers, but the glue used to make this stickers stick are transparent.

And now to show you my toe nails~ Bwahaha please don't mind my feet. I know they are not the best sight to see at night. Lol. Just focus on the design :D

Some of the stickers were too big for my nails so I had to cut down some details like the leaves and leave only the flowers (pinky toe nails). I wonder how come my thumb toe nail is big but the rest are small? Hmmm.

Happy Feet ^_^

Oh, before I forgot I am using my Wet n Wild Nail Polish in Ebony Hates Chris. I really love the black shade and I think black nail polish goes well with almost any color and design, specially with stickers :)


  1. That's really cute! I always thought that the stickers were tacky, but those look adorable!

  2. I agree! Stickers are really a good idea to spice up nail designs :D

  3. Thanks for sharing us about nail stickers accessory I was really looking for this for my cute wife )
