Monday, December 26, 2011

11 Questions Tag

Hi guys :) First of all I'd like to greet all of you a Merry Christmas, belated. Haha I really am hating the weather now. I know its supposed to be cold this December but why is it always raining everyday. Tss months ago we were complaining about too much sun and now too much rain. Oh well, its not like I can do anything about it.

So today I am going to do something that I have never done before, answering Tag Questions (or how do you call them?) I was tagged by Yoyo (thank you cuteness ^_^) and now I'm going to answer/blog about mine as well.

Rules that must be posted
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
  • Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
  • You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
  • Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.
  • No tag backs.
  • No stuff in the tagging section about 'you are tagged if you are reading this.' You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
  1. I am lazy. And when I say lazy, really I'm even too lazy to explain the extent of my laziness :D
  2. I love to eat. I can eat and eat and eat every minute, but I don't get fat. Hmmm where did all the food go? That I dont know :)
  3. I call my room "bodega" or storage room because its practically messy, and I love it that way. I find it easier to looks for my things if they are messy (courtesy of me haha) because I am the one throwing stuffs here and there, so I should know where I dumped what.
  4. My favorite foods include spaghetti, french fries, ice cream, sausage and ham. I can live forever eating these stuffs only, I dont mind.
  5. I love wearing t-shirts and jeans paired with sneakers because they are comfortable. I haven't worn any "sexy" or sleeveless or tube or whatever you call those outfits because I don't feel comfortable in them. If I wear one I feel naked lol :D
  6. Even though I love to eat, I can also live without eating for a day, especially if I'm sleeping or in front of the computer.
  7. I dont eat seafoods; fish, shrimp, shark, whale, octopus, squid or whatever. I just don't like eating them.
  8. I like to watch korean dramas and movies, basically because al the stories are so cute and somehow they always find a way to make the ending a happy one. And I have this feeling that someday my lovelife will be like that too haha.
  9. I like to pout or blow my face or do funny faces if I dont know what to do. I know it seems childish but most korean dramas I have seen always have these scenes, so I copy them haha lol XD
  10. I like to look at beauty products because they are cute to look at. Sometimes I purchase them mainly because of the appearance and I end up not using them because I just want to look at them. Silly :|
  11. I am addicted to coke. Coke the softdrink and not coke the drugs lol. The doctor even told me to stop drinking but what can I do? I really love drinking it and I cant go a day without drinking even the smallest bottle :/
1) What's your favourite colour and why?
Current favorite color is purple. It all started out because someone I dont like loves purple and I just wanted to make her angry hahahahaha. Evil meh :D
2) If you could date any celebrity right now (or any characters) who would it be?
OMG too many to mentions but lets see. Here are the people who are vying for my attention and waiting for my time just to date me hahahahahahaahhaha: Jung Il Woo, Jung Yong Hwa, Kang Min Hyuk, Lee Min Ho, Kim Bum... korean actors mostly haha
3) What's your most embarrassing school story?
Hmmm I'd have to say I feel most embarrassed about raising my hands to answer the teacher's question and end up saying the wrong answer :|
4) Have you ever regretted something you've done? What is it? If you could go back in time, what would you have changed?
Yes, I have always wanted to go back and change what I did when I lost someone so important to me mainly because of my stupidity. And if I could just undo it, I would give up anything just to have him back again :(
5) What is the origin of your name? :3
I guess my parents wanted me to be a good girl so they named me names which are church related or something that is religious. Also, I got my second name from my mother.
6) What websites do you visit most often?
Gmail for emails, Twitter to know what's happening, Facebook for spying hahahaha, Blogspot for ranting and friends.. Sometimes games site to know the latest online games.. But mostly im here or on Gmail. I am not so into Facebook right now, maybe I was 3-4 years ago but now I just despise the site lol
7) What would your perfect day be like?
On the beach with this boy that I like. Haha we used to have these "perfect days" back then, but I dont know what or how it happened that he changed and we never did the things we used to do like going to the beach just for fun and some talks.
8) What's the most interesting place you've traveled to before?
I'd have to say Singapore/Kuala Lumpur because those are the only countries I have visited. And I find them interesting and really wonderful.
9) Chocolate or candy? Why? XD
Candies because they are cheaper and have a lot of varieties, i.e. flavors haha
10) Have you broken any bones before? If so, how?
I'm not sure if I have, or maybe I haven't. I cant remember being in the hospital because of a fracture or something, mostly because I am sick.
11) As a child, what did you want to be when you grow up?
I used to dream of becoming a flight attendant because I love to travel, but I dont know what happened to that dream haha

  1. What can you say about your 2011. Was it a nice year or not?
  2. What are things that you are looking forward in the coming year?
  3. If you were to go to heaven, who would you choose to bring with you? Why?
  4. What's your favorite beauty product and why?
  5. If you can change your physical appearance, what would you change and why?
  6. Shopping or going to the beach?
  7. Korean Actors/Actresses that you like.
  8. Favorite asian drama.
  9. If you can be an icecream flavor, what would you be and why?
  10. Do you prefer to cook your own food or just buy?
  11. If you can give me a friendly advice about anything, what you tell me?




    answered hehe :D i read yours hehe i wonder why u dont eat seafood? allergy? hmmm coz i love seafood :">

  2. how fun for tagging me! I hope you don't mind if I answer here ^^

    1.What can you say about your 2011. Was it a nice year or not?
    It was decent, ups and downs, moreover on the not nice side

    2.What are things that you are looking forward in the coming year?
    becoming a better person and getting better grades!!

    3.If you were to go to heaven, who would you choose to bring with you? Why?
    I want to bring all my family friends and boyfriend T__T and pets LOL

    4.What's your favorite beauty product and why?
    Diamond lash :D I love falsies

    5.If you can change your physical appearance, what would you change and why?
    my thighs LOL too big

    6.Shopping or going to the beach?
    shopping >.< I don't like getting tan, although I do like the beach still

    7.Korean Actors/Actresses that you like.
    I like the main actress for My Sassy Girl, she's in lots of movies!

    8.Favorite asian drama.
    too hard.. maybe Hana Kimi?

    9.If you can be an icecream flavor, what would you be and why?
    Green tea because I like it :D

    10.Do you prefer to cook your own food or just buy?
    buy if it's decent price, all I can cook is eggs and noodles.. LOL

    11.If you can give me a friendly advice about anything, what you tell me?
    Stay positive!!
