Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Winter Fashion Faves

Here in the Philippines its summer, but I know that in some places its winter. If I will be asked to choose between summer or winter, Id choose winter because I feel that a winter wardrobe would consist of better outfits that summer ones, haha. But that's just my opinion, because I am a fan of layering clothings. And so I want to share to you some cute and very pretty pullovers that I found while browsing Romwe.


Skeletons and skulls will always be my thing. But dont get me wrong, I just love how this design looks. Actually, most of my bracelets and leather wraps have skulls on them lol. I also have a skull leggings haha. And I actually tried a skull nail art design too :D




Yay moustache overload! Haha. This design became very popular on tumblr with the tag line "Like a Sir" or something like that. Its actually very cute. And yeah, I also have a moustache thing - a cute pair of moustache earrings haha. 

I have always wondered what this sign means. I have a hoodie and a bracelet with this sign and I dont know why my friend always say "Peace!" to me. And upon reading the name of this pullover, it was then that I realized that the peace comment was actually because this is a sign for anti war. HAHAHA. Stupid me.

I've always considered Paris as one of the most beautiful places on earth. I have a thing for the Eiffel Tower too, which is why I have a large poster of it on my room. Haha. Someday I'll be able to visit Paris too.

I have a few pullovers, sweaters and hoodies myself that I cant wait to use. But these are just a few of those designs that I wish to own. Right now I'm broke so I'll just be contented to window shop online. HAHA. 


  1. I LOVE these picks so much! The mustache sweater is too cute =D Anyways, I'm your newest follower via google (342). I'd really love it if you could check out my blog and maybe follow back?! It'd be great if we could also stay in touch via twitter if you have an account?

    Twitter: Sensiblestylist

  2. Winter fashion also means trench coats *sigh*
    Love the paris sweater <3
    Now following you via GFC :)

    Do visit my blog if you like : http://angellicfrenzy.blogspot.in/
