Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Review: By Wishtrend Green Tea and Enzyme Powder Wash (Part 1)

Today I am excited to share a new facial product that just arrived earlier today. This is something new to me so I am really looking forward to receiving it. This will be a two part review post by the way, part 1 being about the unboxing, the packaging and first impression and part 2 (which will be uploaded in a couple of days) will be about my review and experience with the product.

The product I am talking about is the By Wishtrend Green Tea and Enzyme Powder Wash. The reason why I am excited about this item is because this is my first time to use a powder face wash. Most of the time I use gel, liquid or foam facial wash so when I saw this powder wash, I was intrigued and wanted to try it. Aside from that, it has green tea which is said to be good for acne. Although I haven't had that much breakouts lately, but I have also cut down on my skin routine and just stick to the basic.


By Wishtrend has very cute and pretty packaging. I love the light green color of the box, however I think it would be better if they've used a different color for the font because the white is contrasting the box so much that I had difficulty getting the text to show up.

Box aside, the overall packaging of the product is really good. The labels, product ingredients and directions are written on the sides of the boxes both in English and Korean. I've always been a fan of Korean beauty products and By Wishtrend is one of my go to brands when it comes to skin care.

The box has a seal on top to ensure that it's brand new and safe. You can find the manufacturing and expiry date on the bottom of the box too, which is a plus for me because you will really know if you're getting a new batch or an old one, and if the item is nearing the end of its shelf life.

The bottle is also in the same green color, and I absolutely love it! I have always been a sucker for cute packaging and bottles and this is no exemption. I am just not a fan of the white on light colored background design, but its okay. The bottle isn't bulky at all, despite it looking wider and shorter than most facial washes. 

Product information is also printed on the back side of the bottle for those of you who'd like to read through the product details. I have seen papain as one of the ingredients and I am really glad I got this facial wash. I have read papain is good for the skin specially for acne, so I hope it will give me good results too.

Since this is a powder product, I was expecting the opening to be a bit bigger, but it looks like the usual bottle dispensers you get from toners. I guess this is better so that you won't get a lot of product while dispensing it.

And that's it for the first part of my review on this product. So far, it looks promising and I am really hoping for a good outcome while using this product. I don't have that much expectation, but hopefully it doesn't give me any breakouts. I will be posting the second part of my review in the next couple of days, or when I have already used it for a while to be able to give a proper review.

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